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Joyride Alliance: A new collective for micromobility insurance and group buying power

From day one, it’s been Joyride’s mission to provide all the necessary tools to launch and grow a profitable micromobility company. Being in the business of sharing, we’ve seen what good can come from working together. 

Today, we’ve opened the door to Joyride Alliance, a new micromobility industry collective that gives any and all operators access to group buying opportunities that can’t be realized on their own.

As you may know, costly and complicated insurance is often a major launch and growth obstacle. Joyride Alliance is a groundbreaking avenue for accessible insurance, giving you the ability to pay premiums monthly (rather than upfront). We’ve synced with world-renowned insurance providers used by billion-dollar mobility companies to provide reachable solutions that don’t sacrifice on quality. While benefiting from preferred group rates, operators will receive tailored policies based on location, fleet size and rental structure. 

For our current global operators, you are automatically part of Joyride Alliance without having to pay an additional membership fee. Nothing’s changed, other than having many more opportunities for growth. However, anyone can still join Joyride Alliance and reap its benefits, no matter your software provider (though, naturally, we’d love for all Alliance members to operate using our platform!) The sign-up process is as easy as filling out the form here

Beyond access to top-of-the-line group insurance, Alliance members are privy to collective hardware fulfillment, RFP writing and operations consulting, a free subscription to Micromobility Industries’ Triple M podcast (USD$100 value), and exclusive networking opportunities. The benefits are designed to reinvent what it means to be a micromobility operator through collective buying power, knowledge and industry resources. 

We have much more to share! Learn about our initiative and how to easily join as a non-Joyride customer by visiting our Joyride Alliance page today. 

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