joyride Veriff fight mobility fraud

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How Veriff and Joyride are partnering to combat mobility fraud

As travel continues to rebound in a post-pandemic normal, mobility companies are navigating new protocols and evolving technologies to keep their users safe. We often speak of safety in terms of social distancing and potential collisions, but what about safety through the lens of identity theft and fraudulent rentals of electric scooters and bikes? 

For people to use ride-sharing services, they first need to verify their identities online and demonstrate that they are legitimately allowed to operate an electric scooter or bike. Renters want the ID-verification process to be as smooth and painless as possible so they can start using the service immediately. Unfortunately, the rise in digital activity on mobility platforms has also led to an increase in fraud attempts, such as the creation of multiple accounts or using fraudulent IDs or driver’s licenses to access a micromobility rental service.

This is where Veriff’s technology comes into play, and where Joyride’s software platform makes ID verification an accessible reality for micromobility operators. Our partnership with Veriff provides our customers with a seamless onboarding experience that combats the rising number of fraud threats in the mobility industry. The end result is travel that’s more convenient, responsible and safe.

Veriff Helps Joyride Operators Ensure That:

A rider is real

The first thing operators must confirm before allowing people to rent a vehicle, be a driver or a rider is to check whether they are who they say they are, regardless of the type of identity document or nationality. 

The driver has the right category license that’s actually active

These two questions go hand in hand and are critical to verify as they must comply with the laws and regulations of the correlating geography. Operators are responsible for ensuring their clients have an active driver’s license when they rent out vehicles, checking whether drivers have the right driving category listed (depending on the vehicle) and whether the license is active or expired or even suspended.

The driver has had a license for long enough

When renting a car/moped or when offering a driving service, companies usually require the driver to have at least a year or more of experience to reduce the risk of accidents. 

The person is old enough

Checking whether a driver is 18 or 21 (or old enough depending on the law in the corresponding region) is another important consideration for mobility companies in this sector. Enabling underage operators carries significant legal and safety risks. 

In fact, Veriff data shows there was more than a 40% increase in the overall fraud rate in the mobility sector during the first six months of 2021. This is due to an increase in online activity tied to the pandemic. It has never been more important for mobility operators to confirm their users are who they claim to be to ensure the safety of their passengers and guard against both vehicle and identity theft, making identity verification solutions like Veriff more essential than ever before.

Mobility fraud is being fought

Fraud in the mobility sector is not going away any time soon. While cities and communities around the world begin to reopen and resume some sense of normalcy, innovation and demand within app-based scooter or bike rentals will continue to unfold, leaving more opportunities for bad actors to take advantage. Veriff provides a fast and secure method to verify mobility customers, and its unique crosslinking technology helps catch fraudsters in the act, helping prevent some of the most prevalent types of mobility fraud (i.e. recurring fraud) from happening again.

See How Veriff Technology Works Through Joyride’s Platform:

ID verification joyride

Providing in-app ID verification is seamlessly integrated with Joyride’s software platform. To find out more, speak to a Joyride sales representative today.

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